Explore the Powerful Experience that Awaits You at The Cross Ministry Group Retreats & Workshops in Colorado, Kentucky, and East Coast




Christian Spiritual Retreats that Transform Lives


A powerful encounter with God awaits you. The intensive, experiential weekend retreats of The Cross Ministry Group are Christ-centered settings designed intentionally to help you experience the truth of God’s Word and His Presence in your life. We explore blocks that inhibit our connections to others and to His power and love. We provide opportunity to discover truths that usher us into freedom and authenticity as we are liberated to embrace more fully the truth of who we are in Christ. 

We invite you to come and be open to experience what God has for you.    

Over 7000 men, women and couples from 46 states and Canada have attended our weekends.


Participants Share Their Experience at The Cross Ministry Group Retreats
I first attended Men at the Cross in the winter of 2012. It was surely an eye-opening experience for me. I had never been exposed to anything like it and I’m so thankful that a Christian brother cared enough about me to share about his Men at the Cross experience and to invite me to attend. For the first time in my Christian life, I discovered how I have been living falsely through my false selves of a performer, withdrawer, and judge, among many others. …
— Dennis, Littleton, CO
Read More Testimonials of Life-Change at The Cross Ministry Group Retreats


If it’s hysterical, it’s historical.

If it’s hysterical, it’s historical.

My family takes road trips. A lot of road trips. We have driven from Kentucky to Florida, Boston, Oregon, Colorado, and California. It’s fun to have the windows down, music blasting, taking in beauty from different regions in the country: beaches, mountains, cities, and countryside…

Safe Space

Safe Space

We talk a lot in this ministry about creating a “safe space”—on the weekends, in R groups. Our culture also uses those words, to talk about creating safe spaces within universities, or online, for example. But those safe spaces mean something different. That safe space is a place to be safe from people who disagree with you, or have a different viewpoint from you. A place where you can be safe from uncomfortable feelings, from having to reconcile the gaps between how you should live and how you actually live. A place where you never have to feel uncomfortable, or feel anxious, ashamed, or sad.