
Presence – Maturing your Connection with Others   

A Four Week Experience – Live on Zoom with Bob Hudson (Founder of Men and Women at the Cross)

Our Goal is to gain insights and skills into: 

  • How to be more present to self and to others.
  • How to be more connected with one another.
  • Identifying what is blocking you from being present to others and what is blocking others from being present to you.
  • Identifying ways in which you unknowingly hinder connection with self and others.
  • Discovering how to connect with someone’s core desires.
  • Attending to your needs and core desires.
  • Living more fully from a presence rooted in grace and truth.


  • Four – One Hour and Fifteen minute sessions via the videoconferencing app Zoom
  • Three different group days and times to choose from. Each group is limited to 8 participants for a more in depth experience
  • A notebook will be provided and each week there will be opportunities to put in practice what you are learning
  • Cost: $150

Three Options: Register for one of the groups below and stay in that group for the 4 sessions.

Days and Times Offered (click on the link below for the day and time you want to register for):

Monday, 5 p.m. MT (7 p.m. ET)                 April 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

Tuesday, 10 a.m. MT (Noon ET)               April 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

Thursday, 7 p.m. MT (9 p.m. ET)              April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

A minimum of 5 people is necessary for a group to be formed.

Contact us if you have any questions: