Women at the Cross Central Staff Fall

Women at the Cross Central Staff Fall

If the event is full and will not let you register, send an email to alicia@crossmg.org to be placed on a waiting list.

You may elect to receive an invoice at the end of the registration page if you do not wish to make a payment at this time.



Anyone who has attended Women at the Cross is invited to apply to staff. Staffing is a great way to support other women as they go through their weekend and also a way to continue your own personal and spiritual growth. Please know that we make every effort to allow each women who applies to be on staff the opportunity, but in some circumstances we will have to make adjustments to ensure that we have a balanced number of new staffers and experienced staffers. We also have to take into consideration that retreat centers only allow for a certain number of staff. If you are not chosen to staff for the Weekend, you will be given first priority on the next weekend. Thanks for your understanding! Looking forward to staffing with you!


Mount Saint Francis Center for Spirituality
101 St. Anthony Drive
Mt. St. Francis, IN 47146


Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024
Ends: Sunday, November 17, 2024