In the dance of life, I wrestle with bringing my true self to the “real world” of everyday life. I find myself wondering if I can bring all of me- the true me, the broken me and my story – to my world? Will I risk going to that edge?
On the weekend all of me is welcome and I felt safe. Can I risk bringing my newly understood reality to the “real” world? I want to show up authentic, honest and open. And yet, I am the one who experienced the weekend, not my family and not the buddies who I imagine would have none of it. Do they understand safety? I experienced men that were safe and held space for me, without judgment. The world has more judgment than I can stomach a lot of days. People often throw sand in each others faces instead of helping one another build sand castles (ie. ruthless politicians playing the game to win power – my judgment).
Will the real world reject what I bring, mock my newfound awareness, the truth of who I know I am in Christ, my joy? I am enough, strong, free and beloved. Do I dare bring me out of hiding and be seen, or will that family meal be another occasion to hide, deny and repress my reality as the sand is tossed about?
I find myself searching for a meaningful way to exist in a world that has not experienced the weekend. I want that depth, that intimacy, that glorious feeling of being seen, known and accepted everywhere. I want to share my story, and I don’t want rejection, judgment or even meaningless indifference. I believe I am a beloved son of God of the King of kings, and I belong and I want to risk living that way—everywhere.
The art of going to the edge—and bringing that transformative energy home—is not just about knowing “they” are safe and accepting of me. Many may not be safe and yet the truth is I can still be safe inside of myself. I have to go to the edge of believing I am safe and held in His love—no matter how “they” show up or respond to me. I’m not responsible for that — I have to be me.
I have a choice – jump in the water or not, bring my story or hide, play the role the false self demands or show-up real in the power and love of God that is in me. Life is about choices. Passively or intentionally, I am always making choices. My passivity has led me to miss real connection, deep connection and has left me empty and alone.
My choice is to bring my reality, my authentic, true self to the world—to work, to church and to Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings. It’s a risk and I will intentionally take it. I choose to walk in the light, to be seen and known. Someone out there is waiting for me to take that risk, because they want same thing – to be seen, known and loved.
Key Insights:
- Transformation happens at the edge, not in the status quo.
- Safety is an inside job when you live out of your identity in Christ—it isn’t given to you by others.
- Authenticity requires intentionality and courage.
- The world is waiting for men and women to risk being vulnerable and genuine.
- Our false self – rooted in fear and protection – keeps us from truly and authentically connecting, leaving us isolated and alone.
- The False Self will manifest in many ways – the “good girl/boy”, the “perfectionist”, the “people pleaser”. These protective mechanisms prevent us from experiencing the joy of true connection.
- Walking in the Light—instead of hiding our fears, shame, or vulnerabilities—bringing your story forward, you entire false, broken and true self, creates space for growth and authentic connection.
- The Edge: Risk believing you are loved, accepted, and valued just as you are.
Stop throwing sand and start building sand castles.
Go to the edge and show up living out of your true self connected to power and love!