“I’d like to give you a piece of my mind”

I’ve “given a piece of my mind” before, and it’s not pretty. When this happens my words are a cyclone of destruction, like the Looney Tunes Tasmanian Devil ferociously ripping apart the landscape before him. He’s at least comical, but my destructive words are no joke. When I’m triggered, when a wound is touched, a false self spins in to rescue. Then my judgments and accusations and feelings erupt and cause relational damage. Hurt breeds hurt. In this posture, my heart is blocked from love and connection, the very thing I want.

Giving YOU a piece of my mind is not healthy communication, nor is it the way of Christ’s love. So why do I do it and how can I grow?

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Leadership Lessons & Core Values:

Leadership Lessons & Core Values:

I am reactive. I know it. I own it, and it is often not pretty. And it is valuable when understood.
I react to criticism, judgments, fair and unfair evaluations, and not getting my way. I’m reactive to a friend’s decline of an invite, or my wife’s challenge of my perspective. I’m reactive to the rain that washed away my plans for the day. I am reactive to pain and discomfort.
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